Digital Wellbeing Solutions

Living in the digital age is challenging for all of us…

but especially young people.

If you work with children or young people, or you have children yourself and are worried about how screen time is impacting their wellbeing, it’s time for

Digital Wellbeing Solutions!

You can play a pivotal role in helping to increase digital agency for and with children and young people so that they can thrive in the digital age.

Digital Wellbeing Solutions provides webinars, workshops, training, and consultation for professionals in mental health, youth development, and public health. Digital Wellbeing Solutions is also for families struggling to find balance with tech and looking for ways to have helpful conversations with their children and move toward healthy tech use at home.  

You can learn the latest research on the impact of screens on children and young people and get equipped with guidance and skills to support children and young people’s digital wellbeing.